Rally Report
Rally Report
We were blessed with good weather for this year’s AGM and found the site much improved in the sense of upkeep and appearance.
Although there were only seven outfits attending, it was so good to be able to catch up with friends again.
Most people arrived on the Thursday so as to avoid Bank Holiday travel, which was a good idea. Thanks once again To Stan and Kay’s double gazebo and with the addition of generators and coloured lights we were able to make ourselves quite cozy. It’s surprising how cold it can be even on a warm day in May.
Although there were only seven outfits attending, it was so good to be able to catch up with friends again.
Most people arrived on the Thursday so as to avoid Bank Holiday travel, which was a good idea. Thanks once again To Stan and Kay’s double gazebo and with the addition of generators and coloured lights we were able to make ourselves quite cozy. It’s surprising how cold it can be even on a warm day in May.

Once again the club provided the Saturday takeaway which was well received, the AGM proceedings having been conducted in the early evening.
Bernard and I went to National Trust property Belton House which we found very interesting and where we had the most enormous jacket potato we have ever seen, all fluffy and beautifully cooked. Worth a revisit for that alone.
Most members went into Newark market on Saturday, which has dwindled somewhat over the years but it is still a most interesting city with a lot of history.
Sunday dawned bright and after a leisurely morning we all went to The Fox at Kelham where we enjoyed Sunday lunch and were joined by Hugh and Pat Burton, one of our founder members
Bernard & Helen
Monday proved to be another dry day and after a visit to Papplewick pumping station last year, by common assent a party of us returned to see the site where they also had a World War One re-enactment taking place. The pumping station was as superb as we remembered with the engines in steam, although the fumes were a bit much for some. The re-enactment was actually really good especially when it was brought home to us exactly how many young men lost their lives. This year we took a vintage coach ride to the underground reservoir that provided the water to be pumped to Nottingham. |

After a very good weekend people began drifting away on Tuesday promising to see you soon Bernard & Helen