Polar Caravan Club minutes
Meeting opened 18:00 Hrs
1, Chairman’s welcome.
Bernard welcomed all to the 35th Polar AGM and remarked on the change in timing from Sunday am to a Saturday early evening hoping that this experiment would suit members.
There being nothing further he trusted that the meeting would proceed promptly since supper was imminent!
2, Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from
Mr P Layburn
Mr Olivant
Alastair and Viv Ogden
Frank Binns.
3, Minutes of 2016 Meeting.
Proposed as a true record:
Prop June Semple
Seconded T Gregory.
Accepted by club.
4, Matters Arising.
Treasurer remarked on costs of the AGM relative to previous year.
5, Chairman’s report.
There is very little to report from my point of view, the club is ticking over nicely. Our Treasurer will bring you up to date on the financial position and membership list and numbers.
I would also like to thank Bryan for his professional production of the Magazine, despite not enjoying the best of health this last 12 months. Also thanks go to Tolputt Keeton for printing the magazine on our behalf.
Spare parts are still available from Sweden, even some of the most obscure parts. As most of you know last year a surprise trip to Sweden was in the offing. So I can re-affirm their spares store is huge and full.
I would like to thank all the committee and members for their assistance and time given making this weekend a success.
6, Secretaries report.
David Gregory, incoming secretary commented on the lack of business during the year.
Our Exemption certificates were all in the file and up to date. There is nothing further to report on.
7, Treasurers report.
Helen began by saying total membership had declined and now stands at approximately 18 members.
However, we are holding our own financially and there is no need this year to increase subs.
The 2015 Raffle raised £59.00.
There was some discussion about AGM expenditure year on year that clarified the reasons for differences.
Mandy Turner moved that the Accounts be accepted, Seconded Betty Wales Adopted Nem con.
8, Membership fees.
Helen stated she could see no reason to raise membership fees this year and the consensus was that they would remain unaltered.
9, Rally secretaries report
Bryan said it was good to see everyone making an effort to attend rallies this year with some good venues still to come, he also stated it would be good to try some new venues. If anyone has an idea for a rally could you let him know in good time as he would like to have the magazine out by Christmas?
10, Election of officers.
Bernard is to carry on as chairman
Neil to stand down and be replaced by David Gregory as secretary
Helen to carry on as treasurer
Bryan to carry on rally secretary / magazine editor
Committee to consist of Stan Watkins, June Semple & Julian Williams.
11, AOB.
It was suggested that the club should invest in a new membership sticker with our web site address on it in the hope it may generate more members.
Bernard proposed moving the AGM permanently to the Saturday evening and this was seconded by Mandy.
There being no further business Bernard closes the meeting at 18:20
Regards to all
David Gregory
Club Secretary
Meeting opened 18:00 Hrs
1, Chairman’s welcome.
Bernard welcomed all to the 35th Polar AGM and remarked on the change in timing from Sunday am to a Saturday early evening hoping that this experiment would suit members.
There being nothing further he trusted that the meeting would proceed promptly since supper was imminent!
2, Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from
Mr P Layburn
Mr Olivant
Alastair and Viv Ogden
Frank Binns.
3, Minutes of 2016 Meeting.
Proposed as a true record:
Prop June Semple
Seconded T Gregory.
Accepted by club.
4, Matters Arising.
Treasurer remarked on costs of the AGM relative to previous year.
5, Chairman’s report.
There is very little to report from my point of view, the club is ticking over nicely. Our Treasurer will bring you up to date on the financial position and membership list and numbers.
I would also like to thank Bryan for his professional production of the Magazine, despite not enjoying the best of health this last 12 months. Also thanks go to Tolputt Keeton for printing the magazine on our behalf.
Spare parts are still available from Sweden, even some of the most obscure parts. As most of you know last year a surprise trip to Sweden was in the offing. So I can re-affirm their spares store is huge and full.
I would like to thank all the committee and members for their assistance and time given making this weekend a success.
6, Secretaries report.
David Gregory, incoming secretary commented on the lack of business during the year.
Our Exemption certificates were all in the file and up to date. There is nothing further to report on.
7, Treasurers report.
Helen began by saying total membership had declined and now stands at approximately 18 members.
However, we are holding our own financially and there is no need this year to increase subs.
The 2015 Raffle raised £59.00.
There was some discussion about AGM expenditure year on year that clarified the reasons for differences.
Mandy Turner moved that the Accounts be accepted, Seconded Betty Wales Adopted Nem con.
8, Membership fees.
Helen stated she could see no reason to raise membership fees this year and the consensus was that they would remain unaltered.
9, Rally secretaries report
Bryan said it was good to see everyone making an effort to attend rallies this year with some good venues still to come, he also stated it would be good to try some new venues. If anyone has an idea for a rally could you let him know in good time as he would like to have the magazine out by Christmas?
10, Election of officers.
Bernard is to carry on as chairman
Neil to stand down and be replaced by David Gregory as secretary
Helen to carry on as treasurer
Bryan to carry on rally secretary / magazine editor
Committee to consist of Stan Watkins, June Semple & Julian Williams.
11, AOB.
It was suggested that the club should invest in a new membership sticker with our web site address on it in the hope it may generate more members.
Bernard proposed moving the AGM permanently to the Saturday evening and this was seconded by Mandy.
There being no further business Bernard closes the meeting at 18:20
Regards to all
David Gregory
Club Secretary