Polar Caravan Club minutes
1, Chairman’s welcome.
Bernard opened the meeting at 10:29 am and welcomed everybody to Smeetons lakes site at Newark, stating how nice it was to see everybody and catch up on past events.
He also commented on the nice weather we were experiencing, saying it was the first time we have held an AGM meeting outdoors for a very long time.
He also commented on the new location within the site and said everyone he spoke to seemed in favour of it as it reduced the road noise the previous field experiences.
2, Apologies for absence
John & Yvonne Crawford Palmer, John & June Semple, John & Tina Hopkinson
3, Minutes of 2011 Meeting.
Proposed by; Bryan Wales
Seconded by; Stan Watkins
4, Matters Arising.
Julian informed the meeting that the Polar caravan club website is now up and running and there are links to other clubs and a link to a Polar
facebook forum as well as a contact form to the club secretary as an initial point of contact for any enquiries.
5, Chairman’s report.
Bernard began by thanking the gathered membership for attending the AGM, Saying that rallies were a bit thin on the ground last year and the fact that the poor summer didn’t help with attendances either.
He was saddened to hear that Polars are being broken but realized that some vans are reaching the end of the road. He went on to say that there seems to be a hard core of ralliers about 25% of the club membership that regularly attend rallys around the country and these are the people that keep the club going. It would be nice to see this figure rise a little, but understood that fuel prices probably keep some folk at
6, Secretaries report.
I started by thanking everybody involved in running the club for another year namely Bernard as chairman and organizing the spares side of the club, also Helen for her duties as treasurer and Bryan as rally secretary and club magazine editor.
We also need to acknowledge Bernard’s and Helens daughter Jenny whom assists greatly with the printing of the club magazine. And finally
thanks to Julian for his efforts in getting the clubs web site up and running.
I was in the process of renewing the clubs English exemption certificate which expires on the 29th of July and awaiting the paperwork to do the same for the Welsh certificate that also expires on the same date.
Sadly we have not received any new membership applications this year.
I ended by thanking everybody for attending this and the other rallies held this year and hoped everyone enjoyed themselves.
7, Treasurers report.
Helen stated that the clubs accounts were up slightly this year despite losing 2 members.
We are down to 22 paying members bringing in less income but our expenses were reduced hence the slight rise in the accounts. The
magazine is still printed free gratis but postal costs had gone up slightly.
Helen put forward the suggestion that this years raffle proceeds go towards Help for Heroes charity.
8, Membership fees.
It was agreed by all concerned than there was no need to increase membership fees this year.
9, Rally secretaries report
Bryan stated that although there was a lot of interest in Alistair’s rally a lot of members couldn’t make the date, Bryan suggested ringing Alastair to see if he could offer an alternative date.
He stated there was a good spread of rallies this year and urged everyone to attend if they possibly could.
He also invited rallies for the 2014 year.
10, Election of officers.
Neil stated he would like to stand down from the secretary’s job this year but as no replacement was forthcoming agreed to continue for a further year.
Everybody else agreed to continue in their present positions both officers and committee personnel for another year, so it all remains unchanged.
11, AOB.
Hugh Burton thanked all gathered for the continuing success of the club and in particular Bernard & Helen & Neil & Mandy for running the AGM and organizing the previous night’s meal.
There being no further business to be discussed Bernard closed the meeting at 11:15 am.
1, Chairman’s welcome.
Bernard opened the meeting at 10:29 am and welcomed everybody to Smeetons lakes site at Newark, stating how nice it was to see everybody and catch up on past events.
He also commented on the nice weather we were experiencing, saying it was the first time we have held an AGM meeting outdoors for a very long time.
He also commented on the new location within the site and said everyone he spoke to seemed in favour of it as it reduced the road noise the previous field experiences.
2, Apologies for absence
John & Yvonne Crawford Palmer, John & June Semple, John & Tina Hopkinson
3, Minutes of 2011 Meeting.
Proposed by; Bryan Wales
Seconded by; Stan Watkins
4, Matters Arising.
Julian informed the meeting that the Polar caravan club website is now up and running and there are links to other clubs and a link to a Polar
facebook forum as well as a contact form to the club secretary as an initial point of contact for any enquiries.
5, Chairman’s report.
Bernard began by thanking the gathered membership for attending the AGM, Saying that rallies were a bit thin on the ground last year and the fact that the poor summer didn’t help with attendances either.
He was saddened to hear that Polars are being broken but realized that some vans are reaching the end of the road. He went on to say that there seems to be a hard core of ralliers about 25% of the club membership that regularly attend rallys around the country and these are the people that keep the club going. It would be nice to see this figure rise a little, but understood that fuel prices probably keep some folk at
6, Secretaries report.
I started by thanking everybody involved in running the club for another year namely Bernard as chairman and organizing the spares side of the club, also Helen for her duties as treasurer and Bryan as rally secretary and club magazine editor.
We also need to acknowledge Bernard’s and Helens daughter Jenny whom assists greatly with the printing of the club magazine. And finally
thanks to Julian for his efforts in getting the clubs web site up and running.
I was in the process of renewing the clubs English exemption certificate which expires on the 29th of July and awaiting the paperwork to do the same for the Welsh certificate that also expires on the same date.
Sadly we have not received any new membership applications this year.
I ended by thanking everybody for attending this and the other rallies held this year and hoped everyone enjoyed themselves.
7, Treasurers report.
Helen stated that the clubs accounts were up slightly this year despite losing 2 members.
We are down to 22 paying members bringing in less income but our expenses were reduced hence the slight rise in the accounts. The
magazine is still printed free gratis but postal costs had gone up slightly.
Helen put forward the suggestion that this years raffle proceeds go towards Help for Heroes charity.
8, Membership fees.
It was agreed by all concerned than there was no need to increase membership fees this year.
9, Rally secretaries report
Bryan stated that although there was a lot of interest in Alistair’s rally a lot of members couldn’t make the date, Bryan suggested ringing Alastair to see if he could offer an alternative date.
He stated there was a good spread of rallies this year and urged everyone to attend if they possibly could.
He also invited rallies for the 2014 year.
10, Election of officers.
Neil stated he would like to stand down from the secretary’s job this year but as no replacement was forthcoming agreed to continue for a further year.
Everybody else agreed to continue in their present positions both officers and committee personnel for another year, so it all remains unchanged.
11, AOB.
Hugh Burton thanked all gathered for the continuing success of the club and in particular Bernard & Helen & Neil & Mandy for running the AGM and organizing the previous night’s meal.
There being no further business to be discussed Bernard closed the meeting at 11:15 am.