The Great Dorset Steam Fair
Chettle Aug - Sept2013
Rally Report
Chettle Aug - Sept2013
Rally Report
Wed. 28th Aug. Betty and Bryan joined us at the Chettle House campsite and we settled down for the evening for drinks and a chat.

Thurs. 29th Aug.
We started off early to visit the steam fair about 5 miles away as the weather was good.
It is believed to be the biggest working of steam in the country and probably the world, covering some 600 acres, where you can see Showmens Engines all gleaming and lit up, Ploughing Engines working, Traction Engines pulling huge loads in the Heavy Haulage Ring, down to little working models of all kinds, Craft Tents (for the ladies), gentle Working Horses hitched to ploughs and various cultivating equipment of years ago.

Friday 30th Aug.
A nice day, so we travelled to Abbotsbury Tropical Gardens which are lovely and interesting with something new around every corner, and different levels, with birds darting around the plants. Afterwards, we had a nice meal
there and returned to Chettle for the evening.

Sat. 31st Aug.
Bernard and Helen joined us and we went to Sherborne Castle where we had a snack and explored the grounds and Castle.
In the evening we went to the Grove Inn near Shaftesbury where we had a nice meal

Sun. 1st Sept.
Another nice day, so we went to the Swannery in Abbotsbury where we saw hundreds of swans coming in to feed. This happens twice a day and is quite a spectacle.
Afterwards we went to a Tearoom in Abbotsbury village where we had an alfresco lunch, followed by a leisurely meander through the countryside to our site.

Mon, 2nd Sept.
We went on a run down to Exeter to look at a Polar that we heard about, after which we had a lovely lunch in the Fox and Hounds in Sedbury that Bernard and Helen recommended, followed by a leisurely trip back to Chettle through some lovely scenery.

Tues. 3rd Sept.
Departure day from Chettle dawned and we all said our goodbyes – until next time!
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