Polar Caravan Club minutes
1, Chairman’s welcome.
Bernard began by saying how nice it is to see so many people here and although it was a specific request that we hold the AGM on the Saturday evening he would like to know how everybody felt about making it a regular feature.
2, Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from
Paul & Penny Layburn
3, Minutes of 2015 Meeting.
Proposed by; Tricia Gregory
Seconded by; High Burton
Accepted by club.
4, Matters Arising.
It was suggested that we should record the numbers attending though no firm decision was taken at this point.
5, Chairman’s report.
Bernard began by saying there is little to report from his point of view, the club is ticking along nicely as you will hear from the other officers
We have lost two members this year who have sadly passed away, Mrs Beryl Wright and Mr Clive Lawrence. Two members failed to re-new their membership despite sending several reminder’s out. Our treasurer will bring you up to date on the membership list and numbers.
Neil Turner is standing down this year, after doing his time plus more. We do have someone who is prepared to take on the roll, but if anyone is interested please feel free to make this known to me.
So a big thanks to Neil who no doubt was ably assisted by Mandy. I would also like to thank Bryan for his professional production of the magazine and the old photos which appeared in the last publication, haven’t we changed over the years! Also thanks to Tolputt Keeton for printing the magazine on our behalf.
Finally, spare parts are still available from Sweden, even some of the most obscure parts.
6, Secretaries report.
I reported that there was only one new membership enquiry this year. As it was only a fortnight before the AGM he is still awaiting any follow up.
The welsh exemption certificate which was in the process of being re-newed at last year’s AGM is now in the clubs possession and that will like its English counterpart remain valid until 29th July 2018
I also thanked Bernard & Helen and also their daughter Jenny for their efforts in keeping the club running smoothly also thinks to Bryan for his dual role as rally secretary and magazine editor.
This is my final secretary’s report as I will be standing down after this AGM
7, Treasurers report.
Helen stated the balance of the club accounts are rising year on year but may not next year due to falling membership numbers, we currently have twenty members and the clubs annual expense is in the region of £ 140.
8, Membership fees.
Helen stated she could see no reason to raise membership fees this year and the consensus was that they would remain unaltered.
9, Rally secretaries report
Bryan said it was good to see everyone making an effort to attend rallies this year with some good venues still to come, he also stated it would be good to try some new venues. If anyone has an idea for a rally could you let him know in good time as he would like to have the magazine out by Christmas?
10, Election of officers.
Bernard is to carry on as chairman
Neil to stand down and be replaced by David Gregory as secretary
Helen to carry on as treasurer
Bryan to carry on rally secretary / magazine editor
Committee to consist of Stan Watkins, June Semple & Julian Williams.
11, AOB.
It was suggested that the club should invest in a new membership sticker with our web site address on it in the hope it may generate more members.
Bernard proposed moving the AGM permanently to the Saturday evening and this was seconded by Mandy.
There being no further business Bernard closes the meeting at 18:20
1, Chairman’s welcome.
Bernard began by saying how nice it is to see so many people here and although it was a specific request that we hold the AGM on the Saturday evening he would like to know how everybody felt about making it a regular feature.
2, Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from
Paul & Penny Layburn
3, Minutes of 2015 Meeting.
Proposed by; Tricia Gregory
Seconded by; High Burton
Accepted by club.
4, Matters Arising.
It was suggested that we should record the numbers attending though no firm decision was taken at this point.
5, Chairman’s report.
Bernard began by saying there is little to report from his point of view, the club is ticking along nicely as you will hear from the other officers
We have lost two members this year who have sadly passed away, Mrs Beryl Wright and Mr Clive Lawrence. Two members failed to re-new their membership despite sending several reminder’s out. Our treasurer will bring you up to date on the membership list and numbers.
Neil Turner is standing down this year, after doing his time plus more. We do have someone who is prepared to take on the roll, but if anyone is interested please feel free to make this known to me.
So a big thanks to Neil who no doubt was ably assisted by Mandy. I would also like to thank Bryan for his professional production of the magazine and the old photos which appeared in the last publication, haven’t we changed over the years! Also thanks to Tolputt Keeton for printing the magazine on our behalf.
Finally, spare parts are still available from Sweden, even some of the most obscure parts.
6, Secretaries report.
I reported that there was only one new membership enquiry this year. As it was only a fortnight before the AGM he is still awaiting any follow up.
The welsh exemption certificate which was in the process of being re-newed at last year’s AGM is now in the clubs possession and that will like its English counterpart remain valid until 29th July 2018
I also thanked Bernard & Helen and also their daughter Jenny for their efforts in keeping the club running smoothly also thinks to Bryan for his dual role as rally secretary and magazine editor.
This is my final secretary’s report as I will be standing down after this AGM
7, Treasurers report.
Helen stated the balance of the club accounts are rising year on year but may not next year due to falling membership numbers, we currently have twenty members and the clubs annual expense is in the region of £ 140.
8, Membership fees.
Helen stated she could see no reason to raise membership fees this year and the consensus was that they would remain unaltered.
9, Rally secretaries report
Bryan said it was good to see everyone making an effort to attend rallies this year with some good venues still to come, he also stated it would be good to try some new venues. If anyone has an idea for a rally could you let him know in good time as he would like to have the magazine out by Christmas?
10, Election of officers.
Bernard is to carry on as chairman
Neil to stand down and be replaced by David Gregory as secretary
Helen to carry on as treasurer
Bryan to carry on rally secretary / magazine editor
Committee to consist of Stan Watkins, June Semple & Julian Williams.
11, AOB.
It was suggested that the club should invest in a new membership sticker with our web site address on it in the hope it may generate more members.
Bernard proposed moving the AGM permanently to the Saturday evening and this was seconded by Mandy.
There being no further business Bernard closes the meeting at 18:20