Berkshire Rally
June 2016
Alistair and I, closely followed by Helen and Bernard, Betty and Bryan, and Kay and Stan congregated in the pony field once more. On Friday evening we were joined by Georgette, Duncan and Co and the usual selection of dogs. Everyone let off steam, and the first of several evenings round the campfire.

The weather was not brilliant, however we all set off to Basildon Park a National Trust grand house next day. Set in beautiful grounds and built in the 1700s the house has two guest wings complete with courtyards situated either side and joined to the main house. On the first and second floors the well proportioned rooms connect to each other, and have many interesting features collected by Lord and Lady IIiffe. When they bought the house in the 1920s all the interior features had been stripped out. They sourced replacements from other large houses of similar era that were being demolished. The eclectic mix from a formal dining room, to shell grotto room, and a 1950's kitchen made a most interesting visit for everyone.

On Sunday after a leisurely start we walked round the Hosehill Lake to the Fox and Hounds for a late lunch, then back for a snooze. The weather deteriorated with torrential overnight rain, so much so that Stan and Kay's car and caravan became entrenched as they tried to leave. Our 1953 Ford Dexter had to be pressed into service and pulled first the car, then the caravan out with no further problem, and off they went back to Wales. Hope to see you all next year Viv & Alistair